Alternative to window.prompt in React

Using Context, Hooks, and TypeScript

Liad Shiran
2 min readJun 13, 2022


In this post, I will go over my implementation of an alternative to window.alert , window.confirm andwindow.prompt using React.
All of the examples are written with TypeScript.
A demo with full source code is available at the end.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

window.alert - shows a message
window.confirm - shows a message + returns true / false
window.prompt - shows a message + returns a string user input

The Result

Starting from the end, let’s see what we’re trying to achieve:

Similar to window.alert & window.confirm

The above component is a Button with some behavior for onClick , with the caveat that we want to warn the user before actually running the callback named doAction.
This is somewhat similar to where we would use window.alert or window.confirm .

Let’s take a look at another example:

Similar to window.prompt

In the second example, our Button component adds a new string item to a list in its state. The string is defined by user input.
This is somewhat similar to where we would use window.prompt .


Let’s have a look at how we implemented usePrompt , a shared custom hook, which we used before in the result examples:

usePrompt custom hook

We can see that it’s just a simple hook that returns a triggerPrompt callback. The “magic” still lays inside PromptContext , which encapsulates a setPrompt function that receives isOpen and PromptProps .


This may seem long, but it’s primarily types and default props when looking closer.

The interesting part is at the bottom, where we create PromptContextProvider to wrap our app content. This makes PromptContext capable of holding a global prompt state for isOpen and props , which we can access from anywhere using the usePrompt hook from before.

The next thing to do is to wrap our app with PromptContextProvider like so:

Lastly, we implement a custom Prompt component to our liking, using any kind of Modal component we prefer:

And that’s it!


Let’s see everything in action:

Demo in full screen:

Full source code:


I hope this tutorial was helpful for you with the use cases I covered.
And if not, it may hopefully have inspired you with ideas on how to leverage Context to make our lives as React developers easier and our code more generic and understandable.

Feel free to reach out on Twitter or LinkedIn:




Liad Shiran

Frontend Software Engineer, writer, open-source contributor