
Financial Infidelity Will Destroy Love as Surely as Sexual Betrayal

“Don’t fight about money because after you’ve said mean things to each other, the amount of money in the bank will be the same” — Anonymous

Toni Crowe
No Air
Published in
5 min readApr 17, 2021


Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

When we consider infidelity, we typically think about sexual indiscretions. Surprisingly, many sexually loyal partners can be indiscreet when managing money with their life partner. Money predilections, like sexual preferences, are an intimate subject. Hiding money, overspending, secret accounts, withholding information, or outright lying about money can irreparably damage relationships.

Talking about spending and saving habits is an intimate, sometimes uncomfortable conversation. Deception is not uncommon.

Deceits Partners Admit They Commit

24% Hiding purchases or receipt

23% Lying about a price paid

22% Spending money on children behind a spouse’s back

19% Saying a purchase was on sale after paying full price

11% Secretly withdrawing money from savings

11% Secretly getting a new credit card



Toni Crowe
No Air

Sharing the hard lessons I've learned in life. Best-selling author. Humorist. Editor. Writing whatever interests me . Owner: No Air. Editor:MuddyUm.