Would You Please Put on a Mask? Pretty Please with Cherries on Top

I got to see crazy up close, but not too close

Toni Crowe
No Air
Published in
4 min readAug 28, 2020


Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

“There is someone for everyone and the person for you is a psychiatrist.” — -Anonymous

What do you do with someone who does not care about anyone but themselves?

My doctor’s office has well-thought-out and implemented COVID-19 protocols.

There is touchless check-in by once you arrive in the parking lot. The receptionist checks personal information and insurance via your cell phone. The camera is used to take pictures of your ID and medical cards as required.

Once potential patients pass the phone check-in, they wait in their car for a call. When called, patients go to the front entrance. At the door, there is a touchless temperature taken.

Post temperature check, they ask patients three COVID-19 questions by the medical assistant near the entrance to the doctors’ offices. If the answers are satisfactory, and you have on a mask, then and only then, you may enter the…



Toni Crowe
No Air

Sharing the hard lessons I've learned in life. Best-selling author. Humorist. Editor. Writing whatever interests me . Owner: No Air. Editor:MuddyUm.