That Time I Finally Told Myself The Truth

And why I need to finally start listening to me.

Elisabeth Rossman
No Apologies


For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted someone to tell me what to do in my life, like what choices to make, what path to take. But I wanted the best, someone like Gandalf, Dumbledore, Obi Wan Kenobi, or Yoda. You know, the guy with all the right answers.

There was no way I could be my own guide. How could I possibly know the answers to my questions? I was constantly making the wrong choices. I had no experience, except with failure. I had nothing to show for the last 45 years of living. I had to find someone else to show me the way. Right?

Wrong! I have never given myself an honest to goodness chance to guide me threw the chutes and ladders of life. Why not try? I’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain!

A Hail Mary pass to myself

So this morning I sat down and asked myself, “What messages do I need to hear right now?”

I swear I could hear a clap of thunder in the distance when a voice inside me replied, “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

OK then, my dearest Elisabeth, the kid gloves are coming off, and it’s time you heard the truth.



Elisabeth Rossman
No Apologies

Former ranch girl now a digital marketing strategist by day. Mystery writer by night. I haven’t found a serial killer I can’t catch.