Author Accelerator Member Spotlight: Isidra Mencos

Jade @ Author Accelerator
No Blank Pages
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2018

Celebrating a writer’s success

Photo by Pablo Heimplatzon Unsplash

We’d like to introduce Isidra Mencos, one of our Author Accelerator members. Isidra recently finished her first draft and we invited her to sit down for a little interview to talk about her experience. So without further ado, here is Isidra!

Q: Okay, Isidra, can we have the basics about your project and your book coach?

Isidra: My book, The Conquest of Pleasure is a memoir I’ve been working on for 3 years. I worked with book coach Sheila Athens.

Q: How does it feel to have finished?

Isidra: To explain the timeframe: It took me 2.5 years to finish Part 1, and then I wrote Part 2 (equal length) in 4.5 months through the Manuscript Accelerator program. I had been blocked for months before I started working with Sheila Athens, terrified of writing part 2. I feel enormous relief to have finished, and also pride. Although I’m also aware there is a lot of revision work to do.

Q: What did you do to celebrate?

Isidra: Start revising! I just finished a couple of days ago, so no time for celebrations yet.

Q: What are your next steps?

Isidra: I pitched the memoir to a literary agent during a Writers Conference two weeks ago, and she loved the pitch. She asked for a formal query and two chapters, so I’m revising to turn those materials in before end of September.

Q: Why would you recommend coaching to get to a finished draft?

Isidra: Having the weekly deadline, and considering the expense, forced me to put my fears aside and get to writing. Also, getting weekly feedback and encouragement was very helpful.

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with us, Isidra. And again, congrats on your huge accomplishment!

Q: Where can people follow you and your writing journey?





