Author Accelerator Member Spotlight: Kerri Canyas

Celebrating a writer’s success

Jade @ Author Accelerator
No Blank Pages
2 min readMay 31, 2018


Photo by Pablo Heimplatzon Unsplash

We’d like to introduce Kerri Canyas, one of our Author Accelerator members. Kerri recently finished the first draft of a new novel and we invited her to sit down for a little interview to talk about her experience. So without further ado, here is Kerri!

Q: Okay, Kerri, can we have the basics about your project and your book coach?

Kerri: Real Perfect is a contemporary romance novel that I’ve been working on for 7 months. I worked with both Michelle Hazen and Lizette Clarke — both book coaches at Author Accelerator.

Q: How does it feel to have finished?

Kerri: Amazing. This is the second novel I’ve finished since taking the Story Genius workshop. I’m very proud of the book, due to the premise I ended up with more characters than I initially intended and learned a lot through the process from my book coach.

Q: What did you do to celebrate?

Kerri: I did a little happy dance and then immediately started planning out the next book I’m writing.

Q: What are your next steps?

Kerri: I’m taking a step away from this draft. After a break, I’ll be doing a revision, sending it to beta readers, then revising again in preparation for a manuscript evaluation.

Q: Why would you recommend coaching to get to a finished draft?

Kerri: There’s nothing better than getting ongoing feedback from an expert on your manuscript as you write. My coach also helps me stay accountable to weekly writing goals and she pushed me when I felt like giving up and gave me suggestions to work through when I was feeling overwhelmed. Having someone to celebrate with you along the way rocks.

Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with us, Kerri. And again, congrats on your huge accomplishment!

Originally published at on May 31, 2018.

