Hany Rizk
No BS — Innovation Studio
2 min readMay 28, 2020


Some thoughts on Apple Glass and AR going mainstream.

Apple Glass leaked out last week, and AR is going mainstream! It’s interesting to see how Apple will deliver and if they’ll also dominate this relatively fresh market. My guess is yes. I also believe that the device can also deliver a lot of value in B2B — imagine walking into a store and being handed a device that would enrich your experience with AR.

Apple’s traditionally been successful at observing new technologies, researching them, improving on the mistakes of others, and delivering an outstanding experience and marketing campaign. This doesn’t have to be different — as basic as this first version will appear in comparison to its successors, in retrospect.

I personally have been extremely excited about AR and voice technology for a while now, as I believe they represent a more natural mode of interaction for humans and, if applied mindfully, can act as an unobtrusive assistant that calmly connects our visual and verbal functions with the world wide web.

However, this also is a chance for businesses and marketers to bombard us with even more messages and steal more of our time and attention. As if we need more of that.

This also got me thinking: how much advantage and competitive edge does a device like Apple Glass give its owner? What if they have it on all day, with constant access to all the information in the world visible to just them? How will this affect those who do not own the device? Would this create a new class struggle — this time between wearers and non-wearers?

Apple Glass, if done right, can be as groundbreaking as the iPhone. Imagine all the knowledge and connectivity you have on your phone — now imagine not having to even pick up the damn phone to use it. It’s right there in your eyes!

I hope we don’t abuse it and ourselves in return.



Hany Rizk
No BS — Innovation Studio

Experience Strategist⁣.⁣ Founded Somuchmore (sold)⁣. Now building @NoBSstudio to help companies create meaningful innovations & mindful experiences⁣.