How Humble Is “In My Humble Opinion?”

Blessing Mpofu
No Category For This
2 min readAug 21, 2013


Everyone has one. An opinion, that is. Whether articulated or otherwise, we have them. Sometimes they they’re monsters breaking through a paper thing barrier, and we can’t help but just let them out.

People ask for other people’s opinions because they don’t trust their own. They also ask because they want as much feedback as they can get to validate their doubts, findings, advice and, in some cases a validation of their intended actions. Sometimes it is so they an feel better about actions they’ve just taken. A way to reassure themselves.

I don’t mind opinions I ask for because, I’ve asked for them. Doh. Sometimes I don’t like what I hear but that’s fine because it is something I asked for.

Feedback is great if you get good feedback and know what to do with it.

Some opinions are just a violation of silence. Nothing but noise. Useless opinions.

Then there are the annoying opinions. You know the ones that are unsolicited. It’s like some people get a kick from just spewing opinions. What scares me is that there are times I could be that guy. The one who feels the world could be better when my opinion is shared.

I’m learning to remove the mask a little more and be honest with such things. I’ve discovered that one of the reasons people want to keep their masks on is because they want to be perfect. But for who? The fact: we’re all flawed. We’re humans. Imperfect. So by admitting that I sometimes gooi my opinion doesn’t scare me…

Sorry for the digression, but, whatever…

Where was I? Oh, I’ve discovered some of those opinions no one likes, the unsolicited ones start with, “in my humble opinion” or a variant of it. Usually, the statement is said with a smugness. Unmasked, unrestrained.

It is rare for the “humble opinion”, to be delivered humbly.

Sometimes the beauty or truth of an opinion is marred by its delivery.[Click to Tweet]

#NoteToSelf (and you dear reader): The next time you feel like you want to share “humble opinion”, be sure that it is worth it. Perhaps don’t even share it if it is unsolicited.

If it is absolutely necessary make sure you’re not rude or a “Smart Alec” about it.

Your take: from your experiences, how humble has been, “In my humble opinion?”



Blessing Mpofu
No Category For This

just guy changing the world. husband to @inkiebouts. blogger, writer, growing leader and communicator | editor in chief @churchmag |