10 Things To Consider When Building With No-Code Platforms

Shane Sheppard
No Coda
Published in
5 min readMar 31, 2023
By eliminating the need to write code, business and application development is more accessible than ever before

No-code platforms have transformed the way we approach digital development. With the increased wave of No-Code platforms, it’s now possible for people without extensive technical knowledge to bring their ideas to life quickly and easily.

“By eliminating the need to write code, these platforms have made online business and application development more accessible than ever before.”

However, building something with a no-code platform is not as simple as just dragging and dropping pre-built components. There are several factors to consider when building your solution that can make the difference between a successful project and a failed one.

In this article, we will explore some of the more important considerations to keep in mind when building with no-code platforms.

1. Start With A Plan

Before diving into any project, it’s important to have a clear plan in place. This includes defining the project’s scope, identifying the intended audience, and outlining the features that will be included. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of the problem your application is intended to solve.

Without a plan, you risk wasting time and resources building something that doesn’t meet your business needs or more importantly user requirements. A well-defined plan of action will ensure that your project stays on track and meets its objectives.

2. Choose The Right No-Code Platform

There are thousands of no-code platforms available, each with its own individual strengths and weaknesses. When choosing a platform, consider factors such as the platform’s ease of use, available features, and scalability.

For example, some platforms are geared towards building simple websites or basic mobile applications, while others can be used to create complex workflows or sophisticated data management systems. It’s important to choose a platform that is a good fit for your project’s needs.

3. Think About Data

Data is the DNA of all applications, so it’s essential to consider how data will be stored and managed. Most No-code platforms often have built-in data management tools, but it’s important to ensure that these tools can handle the amount and complexity of data needed for the project.

Consider factors such as data security, data validation, data locality and data transformation when building with a no-code platform. It’s important to ensure that the data management tools provided by the platform can meet the project’s requirements.

4. Test & Iterate

One of the biggest advantages with no-code platforms is the ability to build applications quickly. However, it’s still important to test and iterate on the application. This includes testing your application for usability, performance, and scalability.

Iterate on the application based on feedback from team members, users and other stakeholders. Don’t be afraid to pivot or make changes to the application as needed to ensure that it meets user requirements and your business needs. Testing and iterating on the application will help to ensure that it meets the project’s objectives and is a success.

5. Consider Security

Security is a critical consideration for any app, and no-code platforms are no exception. Ensure that the platform has robust security features, such as encryption and access control, to protect the application and its data.

Consider all potential vulnerabilities that may exist in your application, such as user authentication, data validation, and input validation, and ensure that your platform’s security features are up to the task. Security is an ongoing concern, so it’s important to keep up to date with the latest security patches and updates.

6. Don’t Forget About Integrations

Applications rarely exist in isolation, so it’s important to consider how your application will integrate with other systems and tools. This may include integrating with third-party APIs or connecting to existing data sources.

When building on a no-code platform, it’s essential to choose a solution that can support the integrations you need. Consider factors such as API support, data format compatibility, and integration complexity when choosing your ideal tool set.

7. Think About Support And Maintenance

Building your application is only the first step. Consider how the application will be supported and maintained over time. This includes ensuring that the platform is well-supported and has a community of users that can help with troubleshooting issues you may come across in later iterations of your product.

Consider other factors such as the platform’s documentation, support channels, and the availability of training resources. It’s also important to have a plan in place for ongoing maintenance and updates to the application, including bug fixes and new feature development.

8. Consider The Scalability Of Your Application

As your application grows and gains popularity, it will need to be able to handle increasing levels of traffic and usage. Consider the scalability of the platform you are using, and ensure that it can handle the expected load.

This may include using cloud-based hosting solutions that can automatically scale resources up or down as needed. It’s also important to consider how the application’s architecture and data management can be designed to support scalability and growth.

9. Plan For The Future

No-code platforms are constantly evolving, and new features and functionality are added all the time. When building with any no-code platform, it’s important to think about the future and how the platform may evolve over time.

Consider how the platform’s roadmap aligns with your project’s goals and whether it can support future needs. It’s also essential to have a strategic exit plan in place for how the application can be updated or migrated to new platforms if needed.

10. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Building with any no-code platform can be a challenging task, even for experienced developers. Don’t be afraid to reach out to the platform’s support team or community for help if you run into issues.

There are also many resources available online, such as tutorials, forums, and blog posts, that can help you overcome common challenges when building. By leveraging the support of others, you can ensure that your project has a greater chance of success.

You Got This!

Building with no-code platforms can be an excellent way to bring your ideas to life quickly and easily. However, it’s essential to consider the many factors involved in building a successful application, including planning, choosing the right platform, data management, testing and iteration, security, integrations, support and maintenance, scalability, future planning, and seeking help when needed.

By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that your new application meets your business needs, delivers a great user experience, and is scalable and maintainable over time.

With the right approach, building with a no-code platform can be a rewarding and successful experience.

Thanks for reading.

The following article will help you find the right tools for getting started on your no-code journey.



Shane Sheppard
No Coda
Editor for

Entrepreneurial tech aficionado, wannabe minimalist, audiophile, anime enthusiast & no-code advocate. Building digital experiences via dev or digital marketing.