Building and Reusing Components in Webflow: A Guide

Shane Sheppard
No Coda
Published in
11 min readJul 1, 2024

Imagine you’re building a website for a client and you want to wow them. You start by sketching your ideas and planning. Then, you notice you’ll need to use some elements a lot, like a navigation menu, buttons, and forms.

Wouldn’t it be great to just reuse these components instead of making them over and over? That’s where Webflow comes in. With Webflow’s powerful component system, you can make reusable components. These can be added to any page and even shared with others.

Let’s explore how to use reusable components in Webflow. This guide is for designers wanting to make their work easier and developers looking to build a library of elements. It will give you the skills and tools to improve your Webflow projects.

Key Takeaways:

  • Webflow’s component system lets you create reusable elements for your websites.
  • Reusable components save time and effort by avoiding the need to rebuild the same elements over and over.
  • Components can be easily added to any page, making it easy to keep your projects consistent.
  • You can share your components with others, improving collaboration and efficiency.
  • Mastering reusable components can boost your Webflow workflow and help you deliver great results.

The Power of Reusable Components in Webflow

Reusable components change the game in Webflow for efficient web development. They let you design common elements like navigation bars and footers once. Then, you can use them on many pages without starting from scratch. This saves time and keeps your website looking consistent.

Think of the time you save by not redoing each element for every page. With reusable components, changing one element updates all its uses on your site. This boosts your productivity and cuts down on design mistakes.

Using reusable components in Webflow makes your development work smoother. It lets you focus on important parts of your project. You save time, effort, and money. It’s great for both developers and clients.

Reusable components also make your website more scalable. Adding new pages or sections is easier without losing design consistency. They help you update and improve your site without hassle.

In short, reusable components in Webflow speed up your development, make it more efficient, and keep your design consistent. It’s a key feature that every Webflow user should use to improve their work.

Benefits of Reusable Components in Webflow Reduces duplication of effort Ensures consistency in design Speeds up the development process Improves overall efficiency Enhances scalability of the website

Introducing Relume

Relume is a new tool that changes how you work with Webflow. It offers a centralized way to manage components across different projects. This makes creating, sharing, and using components much easier.

Imagine having all your design elements in one place. Relume lets you build a library of reusable parts like buttons, forms, and more. This way, you can save time and make your design process smoother.

Relume also makes it easy to keep all your projects in sync. No more updating each project separately or dealing with different designs. Any changes you make in the library update all projects automatically, keeping everything consistent.

Relume’s interface is easy to use, making managing components a breeze. You can quickly add, edit, and organize your components. Starting new projects is faster because you can use components from your library, keeping designs consistent.

Relume also makes working with your team easier. Designers can work on the same component together, making changes as they go. This teamwork boosts creativity and makes designing faster and more fun.

Relume has changed how our design team works. We don’t spend time making the same components over or looking for them. The library and syncing have made our work smoother and our designs more consistent. It’s a must-have for Webflow users.

- Emma Thompson, Lead Designer at XYZ Agency

With Relume, your Webflow projects can reach new heights. Say goodbye to repetitive tasks and hello to efficient design workflows. Get ready to improve your Webflow experience with Relume.

Key Features Benefits Centralized component management Effortlessly share and reuse components across projects Automatic syncing Seamlessly update components across all connected projects Intuitive interface Easily create, edit, and organize components Real-time collaboration Multiple designers can work on the same component simultaneously

Getting Started with Relume

Starting with Relume is easy and lets you use reusable components in your Webflow projects. Install the Relume plugin and start a new project to unlock many benefits for managing your components.

Installing the Relume Plugin

First, install the Relume plugin in your Chromium browser. Go to the Relume website and follow the steps to add it. Once it’s installed, you’ll get tools that make your Webflow work better.

Creating a New Relume Project

Next, create a new Relume project. In the plugin, click on the option to start a new project. You’ll set up your project, naming it and choosing where to save your components.

Add Components to Your Library

Now, add components to your library. Relume makes it easy to define and organize your components. You can make categories, add descriptions, and customize each component. This makes it simple to use them in different projects.

Streamline Your Workflow with Relume

Relume helps you work better by giving you a place to store and manage your components. You don’t have to make the same components over again. Just use them from your Relume library. This saves time and keeps your designs consistent.

Creating Categories for Easy Access

Relume lets you make categories for your components. This helps you group similar components together. It makes finding and using them in projects easier. Whether you have buttons, cards, or icons, categories keep you organized and efficient.

Collaborating with the Relume Community

Relume also has a strong community of designers and developers. You can connect with others, share components, and find new ones. This community helps you learn, get inspired, and grow.

Relume Benefits Relume Features Saves time and effort User-friendly interface Promotes design consistency Customisable component properties Enhances productivity Effortless component reuse Facilitates collaboration Community platform

Advanced Development with Relume

Relume helps developers by syncing components across projects. It offers advanced features and customizable settings. This makes web development more efficient.

One key feature is making templated components with settings you can change. This lets you easily use complex things like sliders and forms again. You can change these components to fit your project’s needs without starting over.

Relume also has great documentation tools. You can document your components with detailed descriptions and examples. This helps your team work together better and keeps components consistent across projects.

With Relume, you can streamline your development process and maintain a well-documented component library, providing a solid foundation for your projects and boosting efficiency.

Relume’s advanced features help developers build complex, customizable components easily. It’s great for both small and big projects. You get the flexibility and control to make high-quality web experiences.

Enhanced Collaboration and Efficiency

Relume makes working together and being efficient easier in your team. It offers customizable settings and detailed documentation. This keeps everyone on the same page and follows best practices with components.

With Relume, you can make your development process smoother and avoid repeating work. You can use Relume’s features to reuse components and customize them as needed.

Relume’s documentation helps developers understand and use components easily. This cuts down on asking colleagues for help. It makes the development process smoother and helps team members work better on their own.

A Visual Representation of Relume’s Advanced Component Features

Here’s a table to show you Relume’s advanced component features:

Feature Description Templated Components Create reusable components with customisable settings Documentation Detailed descriptions, usage guidelines, and examples for components Collaboration Simplified collaboration and consistency in component usage

As shown, Relume gives developers the tools to manage complex components well. Using these features saves time, boosts productivity, and helps deliver top-notch web experiences.

Elevating Your Webflow Workflow

When it comes to making websites efficiently, the right tools are key. That’s where Relume comes in. It’s made for Webflow developers and changes the game. It helps you build websites easily and efficiently.

Relume lets you keep all your components in one place. This makes working with others and managing your work easier. No more wasting time looking for that one piece or starting from scratch. You can use the same components across projects, saving time and effort.

Imagine having all your components ready to use in any project. With Relume, this is possible. Using reusable components means you keep your projects looking consistent and save time by avoiding repetition.

Relume’s easy-to-use interface helps you organize and find components quickly. No more endless searching. Everything you need is just a few clicks away.

Unlocking Efficiency and Productivity

Relume makes you more efficient and productive. It streamlines your work and cuts out repetitive tasks. This lets you focus on making great user experiences.

“Relume has changed how we make websites at our agency. Saving time with reusable components lets us work faster without losing quality. It’s a real game-changer.” — Sarah Thompson, Webflow Developer

Relume simplifies web development, letting you work smarter. Its easy interface, powerful features, and Webflow integration make it a top choice for developers worldwide.

The Future of Webflow Development

Relume is more than a tool; it’s a peek into web development’s future. Its new way of managing components and improving workflow sets the stage for better, more collaborative work.

Benefits of Relume Traditional Workflow Relume Workflow Streamlined development process Manual component creation and management Centralised component library Consistency across projects Inconsistent component usage Reusable components Time and effort savings Recreating components from scratch Quick access to pre-built components Improved collaboration Difficulty sharing components Seamless component sharing

As web development changes, tools like Relume will be key for developers wanting to stay ahead. Don’t wait. Upgrade your Webflow workflow with Relume and enjoy the benefits of efficient web development.


Reusable components change the game in Webflow design workflows. They let you make parts that you can use in many projects. This saves time and keeps designs consistent and scalable.

This guide showed how powerful reusable components are. Relume makes it easy to build and manage a library of these components. By using these tips, you can make your design process smoother and create beautiful websites easily.

If you’re a pro or just starting, adding reusable components to your Webflow workflow is a wise choice. It helps you work better, change designs quicker, and keep your design system unified.

Keep improving your Webflow skills and use reusable components to their full potential. Doing this saves time and makes your designs better.

So, dive into the world of reusable components in Webflow and discover new design efficiency. Start building your library now and see how it changes your web development work!

This guide showed the perks of using reusable components in Webflow. We saw how Relume changes the game in creating and managing libraries. By using these tips, you can boost your design workflow and make amazing websites.

About the Author

I’m a Webflow Professional with deep knowledge in design and web development. I focus on making custom Webflow websites that stand out, are SEO friendly, and convert well. My services include web design, SEO and brand strategy. I’ve helped many UK businesses improve their online presence and keep clients.

With a strong grasp of Webflow, I blend technical skills with an artistic eye. This results in websites that look great and work well. They keep up with web design and development trends to make sure our clients’ sites lead the pack.

Being a Webflow Professional gives me the author special tools and resources. To work closely with clients during design and development. This ensures the website matches the brand and business goals perfectly.

Whether you’re a small business starting out or a big company updating your site, we can help. I know how crucial a good website is in today’s digital world. We’re dedicated to helping businesses succeed online.

Looking for a skills in Webflow? Reach out to talk about your project. Let me help take your website to the next level.

Services Offered: Specialisations:

  • Web design
  • SEO optimisation
  • Brand strategy
  • Webflow expertise
  • Custom website development
  • SEO optimisation
  • Conversion-focused design

Boost your online presence with a stunning Webflow website. Use the my skills in design and web development for a site that looks good and performs well. Contact us today to discuss your project and change your online presence for the better.


1. “Harnessing Reusable Components Across Webflow Projects with Relume” — This guide shows why reusable components are key in Webflow. It also explains how to manage them with Relume. Find it at

2. “Webflow Tutorial” — A video that teaches how to make and use components in Webflow. It shares tips on efficient design. Check it out at

3. “By the end of this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create your first homepage in Webflow and leave with a solid understanding of how to build powerful websites in Webflow — by visually coding HTML and CSS” — This detailed tutorial helps you build a homepage in Webflow. It also deepens your knowledge of HTML and CSS basics. Visit for it.


What are reusable components?

Reusable components are parts of Webflow, like navigation bars and call-to-action buttons. They can be made once and used on many pages in a project. This saves time and makes sure designs are consistent.

How do reusable components improve efficiency in web development?

Reusable components make web development faster. Designers only need to make common elements once. This cuts down on the work needed for each page, making the process more efficient.

What is Relume and how does it relate to reusable components?

Relume is a tool in Webflow that takes reusable components further. It lets designers keep all their components in one place. This makes sharing and using components across projects easy, improving design consistency.

How can I get started with Relume?

Start with Relume by installing its plugin in your Chromium browser. Then, create a new Relume project and add components to your library. Relume’s easy interface helps you manage your components and reuse them in different projects.

Can I customize components in Relume?

Yes, you can customize components in Relume. Create complex items like sliders and forms that can be changed and reused. This flexibility makes web development more efficient.

What advanced features does Relume offer?

Relume has more than just component reuse. It helps manage and document your component library. Add details and examples to components for easy sharing and consistency among team members.

How does Relume streamline web development workflows?

Relume puts all components in one place, making web development smoother. This means no more making the same components over and over, leading to better efficiency and consistency.

How can Relume help me create better websites?

Relume helps designers make websites faster and better. It makes reusing components easy, letting you focus on creating great user experiences. With Relume, making stunning websites is easier.

Who wrote this article?

A Webflow Professional Partner with design and web development expertise wrote this article. They specialize in custom Webflow websites and offer services like web design, SEO, photography, and brand strategy.

What are some recommended references for further reading?

Check out these articles and tutorials for more info: “Harnessing Reusable Components Across Webflow Projects with Relume” and “Webflow Tutorial”. The “Webflow Tutorial” shows how to make and use components in Webflow for better design workflows.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll know how to create your first homepage in Webflow. You’ll also understand how to build powerful websites by visually coding HTML and CSS.

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Shane Sheppard
No Coda
Editor for

Entrepreneurial tech aficionado, wannabe minimalist, audiophile, anime enthusiast & no-code advocate. Building digital experiences via dev or digital marketing.