In-House Recruiting Template: Capacity vs. Hiring Plan

No Code App Templates
4 min readAug 29, 2022

When your company is growing, it can be challenging to understand how many new employees you can expect to hire with your current recruiting staff. Planning a timeline for new hires can change based on how difficult the position is to fill, how long it takes to place candidates, how much recruiting horsepower you have, and so on. In this case, a model is an effective tool to analyze your hiring plan and determine if you’re properly staffed to hit your hiring targets.

Model Your Recruiting Capacity to Determine if You’re Properly Staffed to Hit Your Hiring Plan

With this model, we are assuming that you already have a plan for the new hires that you’d like to place in the upcoming months. If not, check out our template for creating a SaaS Hiring Plan.

Now, you need to figure out if you have enough recruiting horsepower to fill all of the positions in time. This model is helpful in determining if you have enough recruiting capacity, and if not, how much additional support you need to hire the proposed new employees.

This is important to analyze so that you properly staff your recruiting efforts to align with your hiring goals. If you lack capacity, you may end up dropping balls in the hiring process, damaging your reputation, upsetting internal stakeholders that need positions filled, and missing out on opportunities to grow the company due to insufficient resources. On the flip side, if you over-staff your recruiting efforts, you can waste valuable time and money and risk hiring candidates before the timing is right.

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Template Inputs & Forms

Months to Place Hire

The expected time (in months) it takes to source & hire a new employee‍

Number of In-House Recruiters

The total number of full-time recruiting staff that you employ in house‍

Active Hire Capacity per Recruiter

The average number of active roles one recruiter can take on at any given time‍

Monthly Employee Turnover Rate

The monthly percentage of employees that you can expect to leave the company either voluntarily or involuntarily‍

Data Sources

Current Employee Roster

To input your current employee count and estimate monthly employee turnover, you’ll need to source data from your company’s HR systems. This can be a static figure or calculated from an attached dataset, depending on privacy concerns.‍

New Hire Timeline Plan

For this model, you’ll need a dataset with details on your hiring plan. Below are the columns that we recommend:

  • Title
  • Department
  • Difficulty of Hire (used in the Inputs)
  • Expected Salary
  • Target Month to Hire
  • Month to begin sourcing (Calculated based on inputs in the model. Take the difficulty to hire and the corresponding time to fill the role & subtract that from the target hire month)‍

These are the only two datasets you need to properly set up the model. However, it is often helpful to use external datasets as a guide for setting the target benchmarks. If you need a few references to help determine where to set your inputs, these resources may be helpful:

Setup and Methodology

Columns: Monthly time series, starting with the current month, projected for 12 periods.

Rows: For each month in the time series, calculate the following:

  • New Hires in Recruiting Funnel: Count the total number of hires based on the month planned to start sourcing (based on the date calculated in the timeline data)
  • New Hires Placed: Count the total number of hires planned to hire each month (based on timeline data)
  • Total Employees: Count the total number of employees (based on employee data). Add in the new hires placed, subtract the backfill roles that entered the funnel (due to turnover) and add back in the backfill roles filled
  • Backfill Roles Entered Funnel: Calculate employee turnover by taking the total employees multiplied by the employee turnover rate (input). Be sure to use the round function to only calculate integers and not fractions of employees
  • Backfill Roles Placed: If a backfill role enters the funnel, use Index and Match functions to determine how long it will take to fill that role based on the average time to fill a role as indicated by the inputs (average of the difficulty inputs)
  • Total Hires Actively Sourcing: Calculate the cumulative recruiting workload by adding in the new hires & backfill roles in the funnel, and subtracting the new hires & backfill roles placed
  • Remaining Recruiting Capacity: Multiply the total number of recruiters (input) by the hiring capacity (input) to find the total capacity. Then subtract the total hires actively sourcing to determine the remaining recruiting capacity


By creating this model, you should arrive at a total number of active hires that your team will be sourcing in any given month, and based on that, what the team’s remaining recruiting capacity will be. To communicate a compelling data story to your HR leaders, board of directors, or other stakeholders, consider using the following visualizations and key metrics.

Visualizations to consider:

  • Plot total hires actively sourcing vs. total capacity over time
  • Plot remaining recruiting capacity over time

Key Metrics to Consider:

  • Total number of roles your team needs additional support to hire
  • Key hires that may be at risk of placing based on when the team may be understaffed


Ensuring your recruiting efforts are properly staffed to meet your hiring needs is essential. Modeling your team’s capacity over time against the expected workload is a helpful way to quickly assess risks in the plan and inform decision making.

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Originally published on the Superchart site. Find the most recent version of Rule of Thirds for Slides from the original post.



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