3 Self-Pitying Haikus On Writer’s Block

Joe Garza
The Reckless Muse


with Milk Carton Haiku variations by Harper

If I Don’t Write Something Soon, I’ll Probably Starve To Death

I write to survive
But organic meals ain’t cheap
Need ideas now!

Harper’s MCH alternative:

I write I eat
organic ain’t cheap
Need concepts now!

I Quit My Job So I Can Be A Writer, But Now I Don’t Know What To Write About

I hated my post
I gave my boss the finger
So where are you, Muse?!

Harper’s MCH alternative:

I hate my post
I flipped off the boss
where are you, Muse?!

I Can’t Think Of An Idea For My Next Screenplay, So I’ll Just Write Some Crummy Poems Instead

My ideas stink
Screenwriting is really hard
But haikus aren’t ;)

Harper’s MCH alternative:

My concepts suck
screenwriting’s real hard
milk cartons aren’t ;)

