Limericks Dedicated to Librarians

A quartet of limericks inspired by reading a Roz Warren book

Speaking Fiction To Power
No Crime in Rhymin’


Librarian Roz Warren in the Bala Cynwyd Library in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania — Image from WHYY

I offer these limericks as a tribute to Roz Warren’s very funny book, Our Bodies, Our Shelves: A Collection Of Library Humor. As a Librarian (a word which will for evermore be capitalized by me) her insiders look at the hard work, copious coping skills, and sense of humor of the Librarians at our Public Libraries is awe inspiring.

Also . . . who knew?


Inspired by her final entry in this book, “The Librarian And The Porn Star”:

There once was a porn star named Rod
Who was known for his incredible bod.
Though some wanted him spurned,
Roz’s coworkers were churned,
So they went and they dubbed him—Tri Pod!


Inspired by Roz’s description of the almost unbelievable range of human behavior Librarians encounter daily:

If you were curious to know what it took,
To understand what librarians won’t brook,
When it comes to late fees,
Or a pooper who flees!!!
Just ask Roz — she wrote the whole book.



Speaking Fiction To Power
No Crime in Rhymin’

I am an old man who loves to write - to entertain, to produce a chuckle, and occasionally make a point I think is worth making - and sometimes all three!