A Visit to the White House

Peter Flom
No Crime in Rhymin’
2 min readDec 25, 2020


Photo by Jacob Morch on Unsplash

’Twas the week before Christmas, when at the White House
The loser could pardon every creep, crook and louse.
Their e-mails were sent to his inbox with care,
In hopes that the pardoner-in-chief would be there.

The POTUS was nestled all snug in his bed;
While visions of justice made him see red.
The country was reeling, and I in my briefs,
Was trying to recover from four years of grief.

When up from his iPhone emerged such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
And off to the net I flew like a flash,
And logged on to news sites and threw up the sash.

Each site I checked told the same woeful tale:
The POTUS had cards that said “Get out of Jail.”
And with tweets and with e-mails but without any pomp,
The loser-in-chief pardoned most of the swamp.

He pardoned his children and oh, what the hell,
He pardoned their spouses and parents as well.
But this wasn’t all he did (and right quick)
Our POTUS found more ways to act like a dick.

