Best Irregards!

in response to Jane’s Irregardless

Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
No Crime in Rhymin’
2 min readJul 12, 2020


Gonna mix some metaphors,
if I may be so bold —
Your poem not only hit a nerve,
it struct a vein of gold!

Jane, we share a passion, for
language, phrase and grammar,
and humor’s light touch, over
a purist’s heavy hammer.

Ain’t nothin’ wrong with
doubling your negatives,
if it serves to emphasize your
naysaying declaratives.

But going extra negative
within a single word —
What is that, I ask, if not
brilliantly absurd?

Language is a living thing:
take croosh, adorbs, and lit
let’s be woke and not throw shade
at pop-culture’s quick wit.

Twelve letters where consonants
outnumber vowels two to one,
I think she’s a beauty, though her
imperfections bother some.

The word irregardless is
not an aberration,
just an overzealous feat —
of agglutination!



Joe Váradi 🇭🇺
No Crime in Rhymin’

Editor of No Crime in Rhymin' | Award-Winning Translator | ..."come for the sarcasm, stay for my soft side"