Blowing a Storm

Andrew A Green
No Crime in Rhymin’
Oct 15, 2021
photo credit: Craig Whitehead

Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
In torrential rain,
He said, “This is scary,
We ought to be wary,
It’s that global warming again”.

“It’s blowing a storm
And far from the norm,
The weather is rotten I fear,
We owe all that thunder
to man’s mighty blunder
The future they threatened is here”.

“The ozone’s depleted
We’re feeling defeated,
There’s wind and there’s fire and there’s rain,
Unless we can change it
Our poor kids will hate it
The future just won’t be the same”.

His heart it was sinking
It set him a thinking,
“What on earth can we do?
Our leaders have blown it
So we have to own it
All up to me and to you”.

