Celebrating National Tattoo Day

It was back on July 17, but I had to ink about it

Harper Thorpe
No Crime in Rhymin’


Image Credit

Was National Tattoo Day; so what do you think,
did I fin’ly dive-in — get my first body ink?
Took my time to think-through that perfect design,
’cause no second-guessing what’s forever mine.

Guess where on my body I chose for the tracing
of words to live-by: “Spellcheck first, no erasing!”
My arms and my legs had blank spaces for etching.
Some parts wouldn’t work — the tat changes when stretching.

Checked with tattooers, “Any spot you’re outlawing?”
Replied one, “Just choose a place, I’ll do the drawing.”
She went on to say, “I can make some suggestions.
Here are some ideas — stop me if you have questions.”

Flowers are popular, trees need more real estate.
Wings work and demons fly, skin art to contemplate.
Names are a favorite, ribbons for highlighting
your current crush or spouse — but plan on rewriting.

After 12 days pondering, I was ready to go.
Reached back to my childhood for something apropos…



Harper Thorpe
No Crime in Rhymin’

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!