Feckless Foursome Favour Felonies

A good night out. Not.

Prav Jagwani
No Crime in Rhymin’
2 min readJul 3, 2020


Photo by Jerome Govender from Pexels

Life was just passing us by
We agreed, four friends and I

Rising inflation, credit card bills
No mention in dead uncle’s wills

Losing horses, falling stocks
Love life like a paradox

Is this fair? Is this right?
Do we run or do we fight?

Said one, “Oh hang it all,
Let’s go out and have a ball.”

In the process, we may find
Happiness and peace of mind

So we jumped into the car
Stopping off at every bar

We cruised the town six times
Pulled off three petty crimes

Looking for a place to belong
Wine, women and some song

We came upon a discotheque
Fittingly called the Final Wreck

Pounding music, strobe lights
Hot girls in clingy tights

What a brilliant twist of fate
Us here, at heaven’s gate

As the perfume mixed with sweat
got snared in a drinking bet

A cute waitress got my glass
Smiled sweetly, made a pass

before I could have a sip
We were dancing hip to hip

hip hop, some rock’n’roll
devil angling for my soul

Round and round, it went on
Long after she was gone

Head grew heavy, my sight dim
Was I watching an eerie film?

Came around in the men’s room
Lover’s knees, a sense of doom

Felt terrible and looked worse
Out of habit began to curse

Gazed about, was glad to find
Another man in a similar bind

Against the wall & keeping still
Vaguely familiar, déshabillé

Red wine spilt upon his shirt
Was he Jim, the office flirt?

Something odd about the fellow
I crawled across to say hello

Suddenly went cold with fright
For Jim made a gruesome sight

A bullet hole through his head
Quite plainly he was dead

Soon I lost my sense of fun
In my hand, I saw a gun

Paralyzed, gripped with fear
Wishing I could disappear

I hated Jim, his death was fine
But would the cops buy that line?

They charged in badges flashing
Me helpless, my teeth gnashing

“Hands up”, the chief hollered
“Wake up,” my mum ordered

My heart just missed a beat
My dream left incomplete

