Happy Birthday, Will

23rd April

Laura Sheridan
No Crime in Rhymin’
Apr 23, 2021


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Today is Shakespeare’s birthday
The greatest playwright ever,
To write those stories all in verse
Is surely very clever.

We might not understand it all,
T’was writ in bygone time,
The cadences and wondrous words
Will always sound sublime.

Shylock — what a character;
Macbeth, the witches’ whore;
King Henry’s speech will rouse your soul
And gird your loins for war.

Romeo and Juliet —
The stars were set against them;
Much Ado, Midsummer’s Dream
Involve a lot of mayhem.

The Bard was born and died this day
In Stratford upon Avon,
While men can breathe or eyes can see
His words won’t be forsaken.



Laura Sheridan
No Crime in Rhymin’

I write to entertain, explain…and leave a tickle of laughter in your brain.