How a Virtual Escape Room Led to My Family’s Doom

Escape was no option

Peter Crowe
No Crime in Rhymin’
2 min readJul 18, 2020


Photo by Jimmy Chang on Unsplash

“An online Escape Room?” Mum’s turn to choose.
And so we gathered to solve some clues,
related — or not — to the victim’s doom.
“Keep your minds open. It’ll beat Zoom.”

A locked-room mystery set on a plane —
the perfect solution for Lockdown + Rain.
A passenger murdered — but how and by whom?
Escape was no option from this Family Room.

“What’s up with the sound? I can’t read the task!”
“How did you solve that?” my father asked.
“No time to explain, it’s on to the next.”
“What was the motive?” “It was probably sex.”

“For God’s sake, scroll down! I can’t read a thing!”
“How much are you drinking? Calm the F down.”
“When was the time of mortality’s sting?”
“Not numbers, you fool! The answer’s a noun!”

“There’s a traitor in here — I know it for sure!
An inside job — a saboteur!”
“Can it be true — am I so out of touch…?”
We grasped at more straws than suspicion could clutch.

“Love, could you fetch me another two beers?
Give me the laptop. I’ll take it from here.”
“No — it’s my laptop. Stay where you are.
Stay where you belong— propping up the bar.”

“He’s in on it, Mum, I knew from the start —
don’t trust the ones who appear to be smart.”
“Wrestle him — tie him — push him down the cellar.
Don’t take any risks with immaculate spellers.”

I lay in the darkness, felt damp on my cheek.
I heard Mum on the phone, beginning to speak.
“Escape Room Support? We’ve caught him red-handed.
Come pick up my son,” she fairly demanded.

I struggled to sit, and got the ropes loose.
I grabbed a knife — no hope of a truce.
To keep it concise, I had my revenge.
My thirst for blood has been thoroughly quenched.

Avoid all Escape Rooms, if you love your folks,
because family ties can be easily broke.
I’m now on the run for murdering kin,
but one question remains: did we win?

