It’s a Gig

be careful what you wish for

A. Gee
No Crime in Rhymin’
Jul 20, 2024


it’s not all point your magic wand and poof, you know

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Fairy godmothers — they must have goddaughters —
says the directive — it’s straight from headquarters.
No substitutions — not an inch or iota.
Fairies work hard to accomplish this quota.

Mostly, they look for a type — Cinderellas.
But on occasion — this happens, my fellas —
some Cinderellas are not into balls.
Rue the godmother on whom this befalls.

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This way, and that, they will tempt their assignment.
Beautiful dresses — lent out on consignment.
Carriages, gilded, a fresh pumpkin latte.
Keep striking out like an unlucky batter.

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So, does the story achieve a good ending?
Given the quotas are harsh and unbending
cases like this rarely end in a happy.
Fairy godmothers, they better be scrappy.

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A. Gee
No Crime in Rhymin’

A. Gee has been playing with words since he was little, and has finally been talked into sharing.