Jack Out Of Gas

a poem about Britain’s fuel crisis

Andrew A Green
No Crime in Rhymin’
Oct 12, 2021


photo credit: Darren Staples/Bloomberg

Jumping Jack Flash
Ran out of gas
He had none to put in his car.

He got to the corner
And tried to ignore her
But his wife said,
“We won’t get too far.”

Jack got out
And home did trot
As fast as he could caper.

His wife, who came too
Said, “I’m telling you
The car can’t run on vapour.”

Her hubby the charmer
Just sat in the corner
Having to eat humble pie.

He went to the garage
Cursing his marriage
But found they’d no petrol to buy.

“It’s all such a mess”,
He yelled in distress,
“No drivers to bring the stuff here”.

“So perhaps it was Brexit
That caused them to exit”,
She scoffed, “What you called
‘Project Fear’.”

