Light Effervescent, Joyspark Ecstatic

Poem for Holly

Liam Heitmann-Ryce-LeMercier
No Crime in Rhymin’


Image courtesy of Holly Smith

I didn’t quite expect
To get to know you much
Or do little more than text;
But, I’m pleased to say,
We’ve since shared more than one foray
Into the sunny wilderness,
And out into the day.

Bowling games and Southbank dawdles,
Sharing words as bright as baubles,
Everything you say to me
Has its own
Sort of electricity.
You really do
Talk quickly,
But, saying that,
In my view,
It brings no shortage of

Upon you I can rely
To bring a smile,
Without question of how or why:
It’s simply who you are,
And it’s who you’ll always be,
Posing little mystery
As to how we’d get along.
I think our friendship started strong
The day you came to see me,
The day you poked your head,
Through my door and past my bed,
To see me sitting at my desk,
To enchant me with your address
That your name was Holly,
That you wished me all the best.



Liam Heitmann-Ryce-LeMercier
No Crime in Rhymin’

Gay writer who will always talk to strangers // Australian, 27 // Keith Haring & classical music //