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A Poem, a Mantra, a Note to Self

Tonia Nem
No Crime in Rhymin’


Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

It is perfectly perfect she feels discontent!
When malignant power demands she be pent.
It is perfectly fine to shout: This is not fine!
It is her right unspoken to draw the Stop line!

The curve of her nature so beautifully swirls.
Her Choice is her Lord in the New Normal World!
The colorful quirks pen the might of her goal —
No dread-foisted netting would flatten her soul!

Her body, her judgment, her personal flavor —
“My wholeness is sacred!”, her voice would not quaver.
The intimate moments amidst jolly sociable —
Stealing this wealth would be never negotiable!

Her elements work in a synergic coherence,
To counter the novel life-changing appearance.
Her mind punctures holes in the petty, false tale!
The shield of her reason would not ever fail.

She doesn’t feel threatened by invisible prowlers!
Ending the folly and exposing the crawlers
Is a lifelong commitment — she never would stray.
None of her liberties she will ever betray!



Tonia Nem
No Crime in Rhymin’

Absurdism. Humor. Fiction. Satire. Poetry. Anti-speciesism. Big water. Colors. Watermelons. Freedom. Me.