Lost in LostIn

The Spin-off of LinkedIn Offers an Identity Networking

Tonia Nem
No Crime in Rhymin’


Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

I’m soaking in this bog alone,
A question burning as a heavy stone
Is slowing down my hearty tone.
I don’t remember — am I a clone?

I feel my limbs and pulsing vein
When pinch myself I feel the pain.
Wild ideas wander through my brain.
No answer, still — will go insane!

Am I a fallen superhero,
With a social score dipping zero?
Am I an angry space invader?
Is my role as the crusader?

I’ll list all my identities on LostIn,
A social bog with choice exhaustive;
I trust someday I’ll find my flock,
To be myself; to safely dock.

I wish to meet a special someone
Who touts our ploy under united sun!
Somebody sane, but living brazen,
unapologetic, but yet amazing.

This bog must be a magic place,
For when I touch my muddy face
My digits hardly find a trace
Of traits of a specific race.

I feel alive, but am I indeed?
Must I embrace a given breed?
Whatever choice I boldly make
Glides the path which now I take.



Tonia Nem
No Crime in Rhymin’

Absurdism. Humor. Fiction. Satire. Poetry. Anti-speciesism. Big water. Colors. Watermelons. Freedom. Me. https://www.instagram.com/idiomattic_by_tonia/