Lovely Seal

A children’s poem about learning to crawl

Sara Patricia Kelly
No Crime in Rhymin’
2 min readOct 17, 2021


Ging gang gong gong
ging gang gong gong
glucked Lovely Seal as he bomped along.

Two paws, pappety flap,
slippery hopscotch, flappety plap!
Pretty peeping puffin pals tag along.

Seals live in the white world
where scoops of pearly ice cream grow
and polar bears, beluga whales, and moose belong.

Lovely wants to breathe a song
of frangipani, funfetti roll,
sticky-poppy colours that play all day long.

Ging gang gong gong
ging gang gong gong
gulped Lovely Seal as he gumped on by.

Curious nose, whiffety whuff,
whiskery wet nub, sniffity snuff!
His sluicy juicy lashes flash towards the sky.

Lovely dreamed a jubbly place
you go to poke a silly face
and everything is dappled in rainbow smiles:

dandelion and taffeta vine,
sweet pea swirls and sundrop rhymes,
a floral patch playful pups can romp on high!

Bomping Along

They say every baby is different. My Lovely Seal is nearly one year old, and he still hasn’t figured out crawling! He bumps and shuffles from place to place on his tummy. He is easily excited and will gleefully slap his hands on the ground whenever he makes a new discovery.

Exploring the world through a baby’s eyes is fun! And, so are all the tongue twisters in this children’s ditty. Happy bomping, peeps!!



Sara Patricia Kelly
No Crime in Rhymin’

I am a Singapore-based children’s poet and blogger. Check out my website