May 3rd — National Lumpy Rug Day

with apologies to Topol

Laura Sheridan
No Crime in Rhymin’
1 min readMay 4, 2021


If I had a flat rug


All day long I’d saunter up and down
If my rug was nice and flat


Wouldn’t have to stamp hard


Must admit I feel down in the dumps
Got to find a reason for these bumps

Hordes of roaches, bugs by the dozen
Running up and down beneath my feet
Chewing up the real wooden floors below

One long viper, here to my left
And one even longer to my right
And one more in the middle just for show


If I had a flat rug


I’d lie down and have a little snooze
Nothing would give me the blues


Ought to lift a corner
Have a look but I just cannot get the courage up

Lord, it could be lots of hidden stash
Or it could be large amounts of cash
Is this where my wife has stored the trash?

Oh, I want a nice



Laura Sheridan
No Crime in Rhymin’

I write to entertain, explain…and leave a tickle of laughter in your brain.