My Hi-Di-Hi to Dear AI

A writer’s wee rant…

GK Kingsley
No Crime in Rhymin’
Jun 21, 2023


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Forgive me, ha ha ha, but a writer has be allowed a wee rant occasionally.

My Hi-Di-Hi to Dear AI

Dear ChatGPT, it’s only me
A lowly human poet
Who doesn’t have the benefit
Of ‘read it ALL… and know it’

The benefit of everything
That Google’s ever cached
All those pdfs and websites
That its server banks have stashed

Instead, I have the benefit
Of wild imagination
And feelings of great happiness
Or sadness and frustration

And I also have this benefit
… And here’s the bottom line
I don’t HAVE to read your bollocks
But you do HAVE to read mine!

Ha ha ha ha ha!



GK Kingsley
No Crime in Rhymin’

I write for business on all sorts of topics, pen bits of verse for the radio, and ponder life contemplations too. I love history and learning new things.