Nervous Jake

A Shaky Kind Of Poem

P.G. Barnett
No Crime in Rhymin’


Nervous Jake
his hands do shake
although he walks so calm.
We know the man
we understand,
he has a healing balm.

Now, Nervous Jake
make no mistake,
a barber he is by trade.
He wields a straight-edged razor
and squiggly snips are made.

Whenever a patron walks into
Jake’s place expecting a new do
they walk out with looks of dread.
Oh, the mazes that he cuts
and bird’s nests on each head.

Old Nervous Jake he tries so hard,
but all his patrons are caught off guard
and never see it coming.
We stood by and laughed with glee
as guys went in and then rushed out
sporting Jake’s hair calligraphy.

One fine day a man so brave,
sat down and asked Jake for a shave!
We thought it best to intervene
for this man had never seen
Jake’s shaky hands before.



P.G. Barnett
No Crime in Rhymin’

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.