Sonnet to Getting Out of Bed

Gregg Sapp
No Crime in Rhymin’
Jul 30, 2022


Photo by Anthony Tran in Unsplash, May 25 2018

Awaken drowsy, this unwanted dawn,
assaults a slumbering dream’s eerie spell
Face buried in pillow; alas, it’s gone,
repose shattered by alarm shriek from hell.
Rising, dazed I whirl while nearly falling,
wrestling lethargy, my feeble defense
against inertia sends me crawling,
in urgent quest of caffeinated sense.

Why get up at all? What purpose inspires?
Can this day’s tasks raise my soul, stir promise?
Not so, success exceeds my best desire —
Getting up spares my spirit no solace.
Today, awash in sloth, I sigh, relieved,
this humble verse is the most I’ll achieve.

Gregg Sapp is the author of the “Holidazed” series of satires.



Gregg Sapp
No Crime in Rhymin’

Gregg Sapp is author of the Johnny Appleseed novel, "Fresh News Straight from Heaven" and the Holidazed satires, the latest being "Mother Fracking Earth Day."