Sonnet to the Drunk Poet

Gregg Sapp
No Crime in Rhymin’
May 15, 2024


Drunk Bacchus, Hans Baldung (1525), Metropolitan Museum of Art CC 1.0

Those bare pages that torment the sober soul,
dull missives devoid of inspired musing.
In distress, I surrender frail control
over sense and reasons beyond losing.
Ethyl alcohol yields glimpsed relief,
fluid confidence, burning like a purge,
instant effects that stir timid beliefs,
freeing a feeble ego to emerge.
Listen, then, I might feel so I can speak
what I perhaps think, or thought I must know,
penning slurred verse aloud, words I seek
burst forth florid flotsam in torrent flow.
But later, I blink through throbbing regret,
what an aching poet hopes to forget.

Gregg SAPP is the author of the “Holidazed” series of satires



Gregg Sapp
No Crime in Rhymin’

Gregg Sapp is author of the Johnny Appleseed novel, "Fresh News Straight from Heaven" and the Holidazed satires, the latest being "Mother Fracking Earth Day."