Sonnet to Watching TV

Gregg Sapp
No Crime in Rhymin’
Apr 3, 2024


An old Phillips black and white television set next to a doll
Old Phillips TV set/ Alf van Beem, photographed at the museum Terug, CC 1.0

Another day’s haunting travail exceeds
frayed nerve expanses as inner drift yearns
to dull whirling mind howl and raucous screeds
in recurring migraine flashes that burn.
Acute mental ferment spills from the ears,
unheard feelings wrung, ousted, then erased,
so plugged-in remote signals might appear
primed for distraction in time’s broadcast space.
Into the void head words flood and thoughts gust,
supplanting numbness with rough emotions —
amore, umbrage, desire, fear and base lust
spawned on plasma screen of two dimensions,
Propped and pillowed, I yield my being
to medium that stems mortal bleeding.

Gregg SAPP is the author of the “Holidazed” series of satires



Gregg Sapp
No Crime in Rhymin’

Gregg Sapp is author of the Johnny Appleseed novel, "Fresh News Straight from Heaven" and the Holidazed satires, the latest being "Mother Fracking Earth Day."