Babies | Birth | Daughters | Family

The Birth of Baby Becky

The story of my daughter’s birth

Wendy Scott
No Crime in Rhymin’
2 min readDec 18, 2020


Photo by Michal Bar Haim on Unsplash

My daughter is a gorgeous girl,
I grew her in my tummy.
My waters broke, I was in pain,
It really wasn’t funny.

“Get the f**king drugs,” I screamed.
“Let’s get this baby born.”
But little Becky wouldn’t budge,
“I like it here, it’s warm.”

To get the little monster out,
They sliced me with a knife,
And rummaged in my belly,
Hard, to drag out this new life.

“What’s her Apgar score,” I shrieked.
I had to know right then.
“It’s eight,” they said. “Oh no, it’s changed.
It’s gone right up to ten.”

They swaddled her and showed me,
My tiny baby girl.
A tuft of dark red hair, she had,
Quite straight, without a curl.

She stared at me intensely,
She knew I was her mummy.
I looked right back and studied her,
All small, and sweet, and gummy.



Wendy Scott
No Crime in Rhymin’

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.