The Paper Crisis of 2020

Roll Out The Madness

Mark Starlin
No Crime in Rhymin’
1 min readMar 16, 2020


Photo by visuals

In these times of panic buying
Don’t let fear leave you crying

Avoid crisis profiteering
And grocery store shelf clearing

Who would have thought a bucket goal
Would be to find another roll

Of that special kind of paper
Used as a doo-doo scraper

We need to have a backup plan
For sitting on the can

Perhaps a newspaper stack
Or possibly a wet/dry vac

Maybe an all-liquid diet
I just may have to try it

I tried to write something magic
To make this all less tragic

But I got writer’s block
Then I could hear animals talk

Perhaps it was magic after all
Or maybe too much alcohol

But I heard a little bunny
Say, “Those humans sure are funny.”

Continuing the NCiR theme:

