The Query Letter

P.S. be my destiny helper

My Feathered Pen
No Crime in Rhymin’


Photo by Emily Starbuck Gerson on Credit Karma

I imagine my letters floating around,
diving in and out never reaching the ground.
‘Please may you’, ‘I’m writing’ and ‘kindly see’,
my query I send from my heart’s decree.

Give my tale a chance,
and you’ll most likely find,
my soul, my drive and my daily grind.
I promise you novelty and quality, even,
Here, read my profile I’ve been weaving.

Me? I’ve been writing since I was just nine,
this is a story from so many of mine.
Crafted and written from memories; revelations,
is it too much to ask it be read by all the nations?

It’s my debut and I can hardly wait,
to enter the prestigious writers’ gate,
where agents exist and editors redact.
My story is heartfelt but an inch abstract.

Adanna, the main girl; the sweet little thing,
her passion for empathy and community cling,
by the ropes of selflessness and joy from above,
she’s a light in the dark everywhere thereof.



My Feathered Pen
No Crime in Rhymin’

Writer, Poet, Teacher. Bookworm. I write about love, religion, spirituality, relationships and nature.