The Sacred Thought-Cave

Where genius is nurtured and filed away!

Terra Shae
No Crime in Rhymin’
1 min readFeb 23, 2021


Photo by Tech Nick on Unsplash

I don’t indulge in fun or cheer!
There isn’t time for whimsy here.
I need to contemplate, to think!
My own sweet insights, then, to drink.

My bedroom is a sacred space
In which great feats have taken place,
From which all commoners are barred,
For mental work is extra hard!

You’ll find me lying in my bed
Massaging gently my own head,
Now guarding all the thoughts inside
In case of authorship denied.

My intellect, it knows no bounds!
It overshadows all those sounds
Of pesky footsteps on the floor
And frantic banging at my door.

Although I love my little box
I must admit, my pile of socks
Is layered with dust; and while I scrawl,
It’s my head pounding on the wall.

Escape I must, and yet I’m scared
To lose my claim to thoughts unshared.
I’ll tiptoe out! It does behoove
My mind to get my legs to move…



Terra Shae
No Crime in Rhymin’

Writing is my first love. And currently also my therapist.