There IS a Doctor in the House

And a pathetic mansplainer in the news

Jen Kleinknecht
No Crime in Rhymin’


Portrait of Joseph Epstein (Photo by Edin Hopic on Unsplash)

Dear Mr. Epstein,
I’d like to have a word.
What you’ve recently suggested?
In short, it is absurd.

Dr. Biden’s not a doctor?
Because she isn’t an M.D.?
You mocked her dissertation
And that offended me.

Just when I think I am mistaken
And wonder if men get a bad rap
Along comes a misogynistic blowhard
Spouting incendiary crap.

A woman should relinquish her title
To stand proudly by her man?
Did we teleport to the past?
Should I fetch your slippers on demand?

It would help if you were sorry,
But I’m not expecting much.
Your old-fashioned hogwash
Shows you’re simply out of touch.

Luckily for you, dear Dr. Biden
Has dignity and class.
I don’t. So here’s my judgment.
Seems your title, sir, is “ass.”

