
Dear Northern Hemispherians: Happy Summer!

Mary L. Holden
No Crime in Rhymin’


This cool photo was produced by Luis Morera’s camera and given to us through Unsplash.

Global warming —
it cools your heels
but lets you know
how boiling feels.

On this Earth — and
in galaxy —
skins are shedding
with gravity.

All people need
as substitute

Heat is heating
consciousness new.
Doff your sweater,
eschew the stew.

NOTE: How hot? How moist? These are the questions that supplanted the usual “to be or not to be?” kinds of questions I usually ask. The inspiration for this poem was a loss of electric power due to the fury of a monsoon storm that kicked a local power pole to its knees. Oh, my people! What shall we do when/if the power grid succumbs to other tortures? Take your comfort temperature now…you’ll probably need to know it later. (And I’m an optimist!)

*psychrometer, n. a hygrometer** consisting of a dry-bulb thermometer and a wet-bulb thermometer; their difference indicates the dryness of the surrounding air.

**hygrometer, n. instrument for measuring the relative humidity of the atmosphere.



Mary L. Holden
No Crime in Rhymin’

A constantly evaporating editor and writer. Believer in medium since 2013 when they made me wait for an invitation….