This is a poem

I wrote it whilst stuck at home

Ash Jurberg
No Crime in Rhymin’
2 min readApr 27, 2020


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

So here we are in quarantine
Our homes one big protective screen

To escape the daily tedium
I stumbled across Medium

Now I read and write and write and read
A few claps is all I really need

I submit and wait. I pray and hope
But sigh- it’s yet another “nope”

So I’ve turned my hand to poetry
Rhyming — that sounds just so easy

One short poem to start my career
You’re the Peoples Poet!” people will cheer

Read up on the master — Dr Seuss*
Oh he’s such a silly goose

Find a word to make the rhyme work
Without sounding like an intellectual jerk

Poetry is in the eye of the beholder
Now my words are getting bolder

Read it fast, just like a rap
Surely I will earn your precious clap

Don’t want to make this first poem too long
Need to really finish strong

Um…damn now I have writers block
I can’t make this next line rhyme at all

Roses are red. Violets are blue
Would a line like that actually do?

OK- poetry is harder than I thought
Back to writing my work report.

*I know its pronounced as Dr “Soice”. And you probably know it. But we are smarter than most people.

