Introducing Astrum

A lightweight pattern library for any web project.

Ryan Taylor
No Divide
2 min readJun 29, 2016


Today we’re releasing Astrum, a lightweight pattern library designed to be included with any web project. It’s open-source, released under MIT license, so we hope you’ll take it out for a spin and let us know what you think. Maybe you’d even like to contribute to the project yourself?

We’ve been working on Astrum for a few months here at No Divide and it was originally just going to be an internal tool to scratch our own itch in terms of providing a pattern library solution for our clients. We had a number of goals that we wanted Astrum to achieve:

  • We wanted it to be easy to include in a project.
    Astrum is an npm package which can be installed with a single command.
  • We wanted it to be customisable.
    Astrum has simple theming features so that it can be branded to its companion project.
  • We wanted it to be simple to add components/objects to the library.
    Astrum comes bundled with a command-line tool that allows you to easily manage components and groups with helpful feedback.
  • We wanted it to be easy to update as we add new features.
    We‘ll continue working on Astrum and we’re aiming to ensure that new features are non-breaking additions to the platform. This means you’ll be able to update Astrum in existing projects with a single command and take advantage of these features as they become available.
  • We didn’t want to have to worry about compiling assets.
    Astrum uses your parent projects assets to do it’s thing.

I’ve put together a short video to provide a tour of Astrum and its features:


We hope you find Astrum useful and if you’d like to keep up-to-date with the project you can:



Ryan Taylor
No Divide

Technical Director at @nodivide, creator of @leeve_app & @getastrum. Author of Version Control with Git ( Husband & father.