Coffee is Going Molecular

One startup plans to brew coffee without the beans

Food Science Fusion


How do you order your coffee?

Maybe you ask for a dash of milk or cream. Perhaps you even specify how many sugar packets you want.

But, have you ever stopped to ask why we even cut your coffee with these added ingredients?

I’m guessing for most of us, it’s probably to mask the bitterness or any other off-flavors in the brew. To dull the parts of the beverage we don’t enjoy while still getting the caffeine. At least that’s an important part of my morning routine.

Now, this makes sense. I mean coffee is a natural product derived from the beans of the Coffea plant. While we can control how the beans are harvested and roasted, there’s still plenty of factors that are left to nature.

But, what if coffee could be made without the beans?

Instead, each component of the brew could be handpicked to give the perfect flavor, aroma, and mouthfeel in every cup. No variation. Just a smooth cup of coffee that’s been assembled molecule by molecule.

This is molecular coffee.

Developing the first molecular coffee



Food Science Fusion

I’m a food scientist by PhD, a science writer, and a YouTuber. I’m fascinated by food science and enjoy writing and sharing what I’ve learn.