Is oat milk really milk made for humans?

How oat milk stacks up to cow’s milk

Food Science Fusion


If you watched the Super Bowl, I doubt you’ve been able to forget the Oatly commercial.

In case you missed it, the Oatly CEO is sitting at a piano and belting out “oat milk, it’s like milk but made for humans” for about 30 seconds straight. It was uhh… unique to say the least.

To be honest, I’m not sure what the CEO really meant by “it’s like milk but made for humans,” but it did get me thinking about oat milk and how it would compare to cow’s milk. Was it healthier? Worse?

You better believe I ventured off to the grocery store to buy oat milk for the very first time. So, here comes the nutritional breakdown for cow’s milk versus oat milk.

The competition

I was looking for Oatly branded oat milk but couldn’t find it in any store near me. Instead, I had to settle for Chobani Plain Oat and Kemp’s cow’s milk.

Both are standardized to 2% fat meaning the overall fat content is the same. I did this on purpose because there are many other nutritional differences to point out. Fat content won’t…



Food Science Fusion

I’m a food scientist by PhD, a science writer, and a YouTuber. I’m fascinated by food science and enjoy writing and sharing what I’ve learn.