Stop Buying Pink Salt

It’s a waste of your money

Food Science Fusion


Photo by monicore from Pexels

Pink Himalayan Salt has invaded much more than our kitchens.

In fact, the unique color of the salt has attracted so much attention that you can find lamps, candles, bath scrubs and many more products that somehow incorporate the salt crystals.

And beyond that, the salt is believed to do more than just make your food taste better. Many people seem to associate the mysterious pink shade with special healing powers.

I’ve seen health claims related to respiratory problems, digestion, hormonal balancing, and that’s just the beginning. The list of ailments that the pink salt seems to be able to cure is never ending.

And this combination of pink coloring and healing properties has led to quite an exorbitant price tag, especially when compared to the humble table salt that’s available in just about every grocery store.

So, let me get straight to the point — gourmet salt is a scam.

The game of gourmet salt

Photo by Mareefe from Pexels

Gourmet salt is similar to the table salt you buy in the grocery store but includes various contaminants…



Food Science Fusion

I’m a food scientist by PhD, a science writer, and a YouTuber. I’m fascinated by food science and enjoy writing and sharing what I’ve learn.