You like the pain of sparkling water!

A look into the tingle and sting of bubbly beverages

Food Science Fusion


Do you have a dog?

If you do, try this experiment.

Replace your dog’s still water with sparkling water and see what happens…

Okay, maybe don’t try this at home because I don’t want to be bombarded with messages about animal welfare, so let me just spoil the answer for you.

Humans seem to be the only animal that seeks out bubbly beverages. Studies have seen that mice, dogs, horses, and other animals refuse to drink the carbonated version.

So, why would our sweet animal friends refuse the bubbly beverage so much of us have come to love — it’s irritating!

No, literally irritating.

It causes pain throughout your mouth and nose that somehow us crazy humans have come to enjoy. It’s the same response we have when eating spicy foods that contain capsaicin — when these irritants enter our mouth they elicit a painful response.

How could your favorite beverage cause pain?



Food Science Fusion

I’m a food scientist by PhD, a science writer, and a YouTuber. I’m fascinated by food science and enjoy writing and sharing what I’ve learn.