An Introduction

Personally, I’ve always struggled with keeping on top of things, whether it was school, work, social life, or even just myself. I would always have so many things to do but simply not enough time, and it would make me feel so overwhelmed I wouldn’t get anything done. Because of my life-long struggles, I can deeply relate to trying to fix my time management, and why I decided for this to be my skill to focus on in the first place. I also think that if you’re organized in your work setting, you’re organized in the mind too. With having that peace of mind of being on top of everything, it will definitely translate into your work life, and it should certainly make finding your dream job easier, because you’re on top of everything! There isn’t anyone that this skill won’t benefit, because everyone could use a little (or a lot) or tweaking in their organization with time. I certainly use little tricks like planners and calendars, but I really want to dive deep into tricks that anyone would be willing to use to manage their time. I will say the best way to master time management will be to stay disciplined on putting extra work in, laying your days/weeks out visually, planning ahead, and most importantly maximizing your time! These next few weeks shall definitely be an adventure to a better you.

