Step 1: Getting Prepared

Many people think that when organizing their time management, they can just jump into it and randomly start getting all of this work done and life will be perfect, but of course, nothing in life is that easy. Like most beginnings, it all starts with getting prepared, whether is be physically, mentally, or even both.

1: Supplies

Well, before you get cracking on your work load, you need things to get things done, well effectively at least. I would suggest to get some sort of planner, and take around 5–10 minutes to simply write everything down you need to get done throughout the week. Highlighters are a great way to bring attention to important things to prioritize, so that would be a good investment as well. Around 80% of people are visual learners, so seeing everything laid out gives your brain a sigh of relief since you can see everything you need to do laid out right in front of you.

2. Set Goals

People tend to get a little ahead of themselves when they have an objective in mind. People start so motivated they set all these goals but in reality, they barely finish half of what they intended to do. No matter how eager you are to organize your time with whatever you need to do, ALWAYS start with small goals, and slowly build up more work as time goes on. The longer you stick to your goal, the more you challenge yourself to do, and in return, the longer you stick to fixing your time management.

3. Your Setting

Alright, you got your supplies, and you have achievable goals in mind, but where are you going to do all of your work? Make sure you’re in an environment where you can focus without any distractions, because if you’re anything like me, the slightest thing can distract me from my work, especially if it’s work I don’t really want to do. Even if you’re trying to achieve something like working out or learning something new, make sure you are comfortable in your setting by finding the right place for you so you can achieve your maximum results.

These 3 steps are definitely a great way to get a good jump start into working on your time management, but remember to set aside time for breaks! You’re not a machine, and you definitely deserve a break to help recharge your brain before tackling any more work. Your well being should definitely be your priority before anything else, so make sure to also treat yourself!

