When you feel depressed, go harder.

Charles Tawananyasha Machakwa
No More Weakness
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2022
Your ancestors had to kill one for supper: Wooly mammoth 17500 years ago-James Havens

Most people don’t have clinical depression. What they have are depressing situations.

  • A soul sucking job
  • A crappy car,
  • No time for hobbies
  • A wife who doesn’t desire him anymore or put out much
  • A family that will not respect you
  • A life without legacy

I mean, look at all this; who wouldn’t be depressed. Yet this is the life of the average man out there. You don’t have depression. You have depressing situations.

“Depression” is your mind telling you not to be comfortable where you are at, reminding you not to be satisfied with where your life is. Many people want to cure their mental struggles without finding out the cause of it in the real world.

So they pump in drugs to numb the pain and to be OK with the status quo.

Don’t you dare.

Pain is good for you. Only weak men run from their pain.

Pain is a signal that you are in the wrong place. It is a signal that you need urgent change. Look into your life and identify what you can do. The things you cannot change don’t matter.

You cannot change your wife. However you can change yourself and she might(or might not change-Tip: You should be ok with this.) for the new man you become.

You can change your weight. You can change your look, to an extent. You can find other work opportunities. You can start your own business. You can put your name out in the world and be seen. You can approach more. You can make more money. You can make yourself more interesting.

It is hard, you say?

How dare you?

You have everything that our forefathers who fought for dear life against sabretooth tigers did not have. Your ancestors were crippled and killed while hunting mammoths for their families to eat and survive. But here you are shaming their memory by being weak? That’s unacceptable.

It is going to be hard. But do the work. Work on the business everyday before you sleep. Work on your weight. Work on your masculine traits. Quit Netflix. Quit scrolling on your phone like a kid. Go to the gym and lift heavy iron. No more excuses. I dare you to drop down right now and give me pushes half your age. Excuses? Weak man.

And do you think your ancestors had time to be depressed whilst hunting for their supper? They had something that drove them beyond their feelings. Your job is to find that thing and let it rule you.

The mere testosterone that the prehistoric life necessitated and produced in your ancestors did not allow them to tolerate feeling like victims because when they felt like a victim, they became one.

The predator always finds its prey, sooner or later. The weak always capitulate to the strong. The feelings of the prey don’t matter. Its the jungle and you need to become a predator to win. Stop being at the defense end all the time. Start hunting.

If you can’t do anything about your situation, no use being depressed about it. That won’t help you.

If you can do something about it, why the hell are you still reading? Get to work.

Disclaimer: I am not any type of medical advisor.

