Your insecurity stinks. Deal with it!

Charles Machakwa
No More Weakness
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2022
Photo by Garidy Sanders on Unsplash

You don’t have to be a millionaire, or have unfathomable wisdom or a body that looks like you are a descendant of Zeus himself. You can be as short as they come, ugly as an ugly butt and have the worst of everything on you. The world still expects you to be confident in who you are and for that it will reward you handsomely.

Ask Peter Dinklage.

There is no reality. Its all a mirage. Tall is beautiful and short is ugly? Your job is to bend this reality in people’s minds by behaving as if it does not appear to you that way. People will test your reality. Women will test it. Children will test it. Friends and workmates. Can you hold onto your own opposing reality long enough until it becomes theirs too?

People’s beliefs and reality are easily swayed. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to act as if reality is fixed and people’s convictions are set in stone. They are not. Men and women are both fickle. Their perceptions are malleable. If your faith in yourself is strong, opinions will shift to accommodate you.

Start demanding the best from people around you. Raise your prices. Exit where you are not respected and honor those who recognize your value accordingly.

Wear your blemishes like a purple robe. Fall in love with your imperfections. Respect yourself. You will be respected. Love yourself and you will be loved.

Deal with your insecurities. They stink!

