Why I started doing webinars and why I’m loving them?! Will you join me today?

How I started doing productivity and NoOffice webinars and how this platform is changing the way I’m both teaching and learning new things!

Michael Sliwinski
No Office
3 min readMay 18, 2017


Here’s Michael Sliwinski, the author of “It’s All About Passion” and “NoOffice Apps” books that hopefully you’ve read by now (if you haven’t let me know and I’ll send you them!).

I promised to keep in touch. But life got busy.

In this short message I’d like to invite you to my next webinar… and explain why I love doing webinars so much! It’s like my next big thing!

Here’s why:

Apart from running Nozbe what I also like doing is learning productivity — from you, from Nozbe users, from my Twitter followers… from everybody!

And as they say, the best way to learn something is to teach it… so I started doing webinars! Only this year I did three webinars up to date and today I’m going to do the fourth one:

10 steps to maximize your team productivity

We start at 1pm Eastern time (NYC)

Even if you’re not looking to improve your team productivity just yet (who isn’t), I encourage you to check it out, and you’ll see why oh why I love doing webinars:

Teaching and learning

It takes me about 5–10 hours to prepare for each webinar. The outline, the presentation, the screenshots, the research… and each time I’m preparing a webinar I learn new things, I discover new ways of doing things and to my surprise, I figure out there are so many productivity tips and tricks I can share, that I’ll probably run out of time. This gets me super excited.

Webinar attendees inspire me

Seriously, having hundreds of people sign up and later around 40% of them showing up live on the webinar is so great — all these people are ready to dedicate more than an hour of their time to spend it with me discovering productivity. This is amazing.

Even though I’m standing there alone in my home office talking to a computer screen, I see the attendees counter and chat box blinking constantly with new messages coming in… and believe it or not, I feed off this energy.

People from all over the world attend and learn with me

Seriously, when do you have a chance to be talking to people from all over the world at the same time? It’s amazing! Before we start the webinar we always ask people to tell us where they come from and what we see is virtually every country in the world and every continent… it’s inspiring and humbling at the same time.

People are really engaged

Unlike short Periscope video or tweet, people stop and listen for an hour — so you really connect with them. You engage with them. And I can see it from the number of questions people ask at the end of the webinar. Also by just looking at the attendee counter you can see that there is no drop off — people join and stay with me and listen and comment. No other medium offers that.

People get their questions answered — by me or my team

What a webinar gives me is a chance to answer people’s most important productivity questions. And even while I’m doing the presentation my team is answering questions in chat in real time — so this is our way to connect directly with everyone. And at the end of the webinar we dedicate full 30 minutes for Q&A where I answer some of the best questions and this is the part of the webinar I really enjoy.

Wanna see how it’s like? Join me today!

I really love doing webinars and I’d love for you to be there, so head over here: 10 steps to maximize your team productivity and secure your seat. Hope you’ll have as good of a time as I will :-)



Michael Sliwinski
No Office

I'm a #productivity guy, founder of @Nozbe apps & @ProductiveMag. I work #iPadOnly at #NoOffice. I share my best tips & tricks on @thepodcastfm