Song Interpretation: Happy Now by Zedd and Elley Duhé

Varsha Srivastava
No Original Ideas
Published in
2 min readMay 25, 2020
A still from the video

Interpretation of the Song:

This appears to be a post-breakup song. The boy in the relationship seems to have left the girl for something bigger. The girl asks him if he’s happy now, now that he’s gone away from her. She makes it evident that the boy still has a lot of power over her; therefore, she’s still very affected by his departure. She bitterly says that only he knows if he’s made the right decision by leaving her and if he’s happy in his new world. She’s clearly bitter about the situation.

What happens in the video:

The video portrays the emotion of toxic jealousy and the things it makes people do. A group of friends are hanging out together, probably on a vacation. One of the girls starts getting jealous when another girl starts getting close to the guy she likes, probably her ex. Her jealousy makes her vengeful. She drugs the couple. She takes her revenge on the guy by calling the police and getting him arrested.

How the song and the video are related:

Out of jealousy, the girl in the video drugs the very guy she likes and gets him arrested. The boy is gone now. We don’t know what happens to the other girl.


It is possible that the singer is not the girl, but a third person asking the girl if she’s happy now after having chased her ex-lover away. She asks if that act of jealousy gave her any satisfaction.



Varsha Srivastava
No Original Ideas

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